YouTube 23k Challenge Day 59 - How To Get Youtube To Recommend Your Video 2021

What factors influence how videos are recommended on Youtube?

This is what I learned from YouTube in July 2021.

  • Personalization - An individual's watch history. That's why we want people to watch more of our content. 
    • By understanding what videos the user has enjoyed in the past. Youtube can surface more videos that the user is most likely to enjoy. 
    • By understanding what videos are often watched together. YouTube can identify videos that users are likely to watch but haven't been exposed to yet. 
    • By understanding how much of a channel or topic a user watches. YouTube can identify what to recommend them more or less of.
    • Keep in mind that people's interests will change over time. Take a look at Google trends. If you see the trend for your topic is going down, experiment with other new topics.
    • Keep experimenting. Let 80% of your videos be the core and 20% be experimental. This is the way to grow new subscribers when we have hit the maximum number for our topic. Another way to check this is to see the new and returning viewers. If more subscribers are watching, then it is time to get new subscribers.
  • Performance - Appeal (CTRs and feedback), Engagement (Average view duration and average percentage view), Satisfaction (likes, comments, shares). 
    • Appeal - Did people choose to watch the video? How's the Click-through rate? Learn how to optimize your click-through rate. 
    • Engagement - Once viewers start a video, did they keep watching? What's the Average view duration? What's the Average percentage viewed? You may want to make shorter videos if people are not watching to the end. 
    • Satisfaction - Did viewers enjoy the video? How many Likes and dislikes did it get?
  • External factors - Topic interest (how broad or narrow is it?), Competition (how many other videos are around the same content?), and Seasonality (eg. summer season, exam season, etc.). 
    • Topic interest - Use Google trends to search your topics and related topics to find what other topics are more popular than yours. Inside YouTube analytics, you can see what other videos your viewers watch so you can understand what other topics they are interested in. 
    • Competition - YouTube system rank videos from all channels that a viewer might watch. Keep in mind that many viewers watch about 100 to 200 plus channels per month.
    • Seasonality - How many viewers are online watching YouTube? It changes during different times of the year. Use Google trends to see the previous period of 365 days to identify peak season and offseason.

Welcome to Day 59 of my 23k YouTube Subscribers Challenge report... where I track my results and find out what worked and what could be done better. 

Sub Goal #2 - Own Products

Get 1000 Views from YouTube 
in the last 30 days 
(and 10 Sales every day)

📦 Yesterday - 142 views
📦 Today - 140 views


Sub Goal #1 - Affiliate Money

Get 1000 Amzn Affiliate Clicks from YouTube In the last 28 days

💲 Previously - 20 clicks 0 orders
💲 Yesterday  - 19 clicks 0 orders


The Ultimate Goal - 100K Subscribers

Get 23K YouTube subscribers at by mid-August 2021

📈 Yesterday - 22540.   Up 8.
📈 Today - 22545.   Up 5.


The Action Challenge - 2 Uploads/week

I upload 2 videos a week to

Last week - 0
This week - 0


More Challenges

More challenges coming soon to promote my YouTube business. 

Tiktok - 62.6k of 100k followers. Up 100. 
Daily live multi-stream - 2/5 this week.
10K LinkedIn followers. 

Feel free to leave a comment or question.

See you in the next one!

~ Adrian Lee
#vlogger #streamer #youtuber #affiliatemarketer #productreviewer


What did I learn?
  • Use these 10 query words in front of keywords when researching on Google Search... What, Who, When, Where, Why, How, Which, Will, Are, and Can.

I attended a class conducted by YouTube and this is what I have learned.

10 fundamentals of a YouTube creative strategy to build a loyal fan base. 

Three basic categories:

  1. Get viewers
  2. Keep viewers happy
  3. Keep yourself happy


  • A guide to developing new creative ideas for your YouTube channel. 
  • A process to help improve your existing videos. 
  • A tool for evaluating all your creative ideas. 
  • This is not a checklist. You don't have to do every step to be successful on YouTube. 
  • The strategy is for you to adapt and modify because every channel is different. 

1. Make Shareable Videos - Will viewers share this video?

Popular videos become popular because they are shareable. By shareable, I'm not talking about the share button... but how to influence your viewer to click on it. Here are 5 ways to get your viewer to share your video.

✅ 1. Be up to date - What's going on in the world or your industry right now? How you can add your unique spin to it? ✅ 2. Be relatable - Let people feel relatable to you. You could think about showing your face in your video if you haven't. ✅ 3. Be valuable - Provide the information that people came to your video for. Give something unique to your channel. ✅ 4. Be remarkable - Think about the videos that stand out for you. What is the one thing that makes them stand out? What is the one thing you want your videos to stand out for? ✅ 5. Tell your viewer to share - Towards the end of your video, after you have completed giving out your information, simply tell your viewer to share the video if they like it.

If you like the information that I just shared above, click the thumbs-up and share this post. 😄 

2. Conversation - Is there an element of speaking directly with the audience?
  • The difference between YouTube and movies or TV shows is that there is no barrier between you and your audience. Your audience can leave comments and you can interact with them.
  • Viewers see their favorite YouTubers as friends on their computers.
  • Talking to your audience is powerful because it builds loyalty and repeats views.
  • Allocate parts of your videos where you talk directly to your audience. Not about the content of the video but about what your audience wants to hear from you. Thank them. Ask questions about what you have just presented. Share updates. Ask how they are doing.

 3. Interactivity

  • Think of a way to make your follower feel they are included in your content. 
  • Do it by asking in the Community tab or through the pinned comment in your video. 
  • Ask them what they like to see from you. Ask them to DM you on other platforms. 

4. Consistency

  • Focus on quality over quantity. 
  • Consistency includes regular upload schedules, show format, personality, and theme.
  • Can you develop a series that people will stay and watch continuously? 

5. Targeting

  • Do I have a clearly defined target audience? Who do I think is perfect for my video? 
  • Check your audience demographic in your YouTube Analytics. 
  • Target your audience by topic, location, or age group.  
  • Create content that is appealing to the specific group. 

 6. Sustainability 

  • Your YouTube channel is a long-term journey. There will be times you lose interest or burn out. 
  • What is your topic performing videos? How can you do more of them? 
  • What is easy to shoot? What is realistic? What fits into your time commitment? 
  • Which format can you stick with? 
  • Be conversational. Develop an easily repeatable format. 
  • Think of a topic that people are consistently searching for g instead of a one-off type of event. 

7. Discoverability

  • How to be seen by more people? 
  • Include trending topics in your videos. 
  • Use Google Trends. 
  • Insert your country and see what people are searching for. 
  • Insert keywords and see what people are searching for around those keywords. 
  • Make content with the ideas from the trend. 
  • Remember to create evergreen content too.
  • Optimize your videos with effective titles, tags, and descriptions.

 8. Accessibility

  • Make every video stand-alone even if it is in a series.
  • Present a brief recap if the video is part of a bigger series.
  • Make a strong call to action pointing to other episodes.

9. Collaboration

  • One of the fastest ways to grow subscribers on YouTube is to collab with those with followers. 
  • Feature them in your videos. 

10. Inspiration

  • Do you genuinely feel for the content you are putting together?

 How YouTube recommends videos to people 2021

YouTube recommendation system is designed to:

1. Help each viewer find videos that they want to watch. It does not help videos find viewers. The focus is on the audience.

2. Maximise long-term viewer satisfaction. Make sure that people are sticking around longer and keep coming back to YouTube.

2011: Clicks and views - spoiled by misleading titles and thumbnails.

2012: Watchtime - users spend more time on things they enjoy.

2015: to 2021: Satisfaction - Watch time is important but YouTube wants viewers to be satisfied with the time they spend on YouTube. 


Not all watch time is equal.

Viewers also have the option to choose "not interested" or "don't recommend channel".

More satisfaction signals are likes/dislikes and shares. 

Most traffic comes from Home and Suggested. 

Go to YouTube analytics, said it to 90 days, and see where your traffic is coming from.  

Optimize your videos for home and suggestions.

How to optimize your video for YouTube Home. 

  • Upload consistently
  • Create high engagement.
  • Satisfy other similar viewers. 
  • Get viewers coming back to watch more videos from your channel.

How to optimize your video for YouTube Suggestion. 

  • Develop a series of videos.
  • Have consistent titles and thumbnails. 
  • And with a call to action to subscribe and watch more videos from your channel. 
  • Make use of playlists and end screens. 
  • Recommend your audience to watch your playlist. 
  • YouTube suggests videos that usually watch together. 

Viewers also discover your videos from different places.

  • How-to videos are mostly discovered from Search. 
  • Music-style videos are mostly discovered from playlists.
  • New-style videos are mostly discovered from YouTube Home. 

Check out my compilation of YouTube growth strategies here...



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