No More Sandbox for me - NFT Crypto Trading #220314

Today, I remove the word Metaverse from my journal title.  I am also putting Sandbox in the Sandbox till it is more stable. 

How is my Sandbox Game account?

I'm placing it on hold. I'll stop wasting time trying to log in. Really it means I give up. How can I trust a company with my money when the software doesn't work on both my Mac and Windows laptops.

What the latest news on Sandbox?

This is just too tempting...

How is my first NFT doing? 

Let's see how my first NFT is doing in Opensea. 

Of course, no movement. 

Improve NFT Listing...

Let's do the suggestions from NFT Calendar,

  • Your product website should be publicly available on its own separate and unique domain name... ☑️ DONE ...

  • The project should have a unique and compelling description and backstory... ☑️ DONE

  • The landing page should be unique and professional... ☑️ DONE

  • Your project should have a Discord community with plenty of members and activities. 


What's the latest news about Opensea?

FYI - My Opensea account is connected with my Coinbase Wallet.

How is my Coinbase Wallet? 

Let's check-in daily to make sure my money is still there. 
I can access it from Chrome extension or mobile app. 

There is  0.0495 ETH ($125.06 USD).

Then there is where I buy ETH. 

How is my CRYPTO.COM?

Accessed with the app on my Samsung Galaxy S10 Android phone. 

I use it for trading Crypto, buying ETH. This is the only place right now where I can exchange real money for cryptocurrency. 

Use my referral link to sign up for and we both get $25 USD :)

There are 45.29 Cronos and 0.0966 ETH. The rest of the $371.52 USD is Fiat via XSGD StraitsX.

When is a good time to buy and sell ETH?

Let's use the ETH Supertrend Strategy at 15min to 1day intervals... Keep a lookout for signals.

Purchased 0.06 ETH (SGD217) a few days back.

Now is the time to look out for the buy signal. Going down now. Look out for 2474 support... bounce or break.

How is my MetaMask?

See how I created my MetaMask Wallet step by step here... 

I can access it via the Chrome extension. 

0 ETH... I haven't put in any money yet.

What's next?
See you in the next one...

May the Crypto be with you!

~ Adrian Lee

Daily Tracking and Reporting of my NFT/Crypto/Metaverse journey in Singapore: Coinbase Wallet - Opensea - CRYPTO.COM - Ethereum Trading - Sandbox Game 

To do list:
- Get some CRO
- Sell NFT on
- List the second item in the same Opensea Collection.
- Explore
- Explore Decentraland


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