100K Subs Challenge Day 4 - Videography Class in Singapore

Today my attention is on conducting a Videography Class. I don't know if I can share any nuggets live along the way. 

Here comes the November 2020 challenge report ... measured and tracked.

1. 100,000 YouTube VL Subscribers (Up 200 per day)
  • Yesterday. 19303. Up 4. 
  • Today. 19312. Up 9. 😱 Can be better. Do something. Make it 19400 by end of today.

2. 1000 Gumroad Views (10 Sale per day)
  • Yesterday. 97 views. 1 sale.
  • Today. 94 views. 0 sale. 💡 Implement Gumroad link the last paragraph of my top 3 VL articles and top 3 YT videos. 
3. 1000 Affiliate Clicks (20 Orders per day)
  • Yesterday. 161 clicks. 1 orders. 
  • Overnight.  3 orders. All from the website.
What happened yesterday?
What's happening today?
What may happen today? 

See you in the next one!

Adrian's Journal

#videography #videoediting #class #course #training #lessons #Singapore #Vlogging #Youtube #VideoMarketing #ContentCreation
