Dream Journal 9 Jun 2021 - Welcome Aboard

We are late. 😱

There is a queue of about 10 people. Mostly grey-haired senior men. 

What a relief. Though we are late, there still people lining up to the check-in counter.

Since there is time, wifey and I decide to explore the vicinity. 

I realize I forgot my mask. Thank goodness I have a standby mask in my pocket. 

There isn't much to see in this hall. So let's go back to the queue.

Oh no! The queue isn't there anymore. 

Now we are late. 😒

We hurried to the boarding gate.

The queue is there waiting to board.

Wifey speaks with the captain, also a grey-haired senior man standing nearby. 

Wifey says she had negotiated with him about a discount over the phone. 

The captain smiled and nodded. He let us through. 

We and the crowd watch a video screen playing in the waiting room.

I see aerial drone shots of vehicles rushing on rough terrain towards the shore.

There were several giant ships berthed.

The drone zoomed in to one ship.

There are horses with riders on them. 

They were scattering around busily onboard.

It seems they are rearranging square tiles into a pattern. 

An arrow pattern is finally formed in front of the ship. 

Then a male voice announces...

"Welcome aboard."

The video fades away, revealing our real boat, a tiny 10-men sized wooden bumboat.

Strangely, we are now in front of the queue. 

The senior men behind me in the queue said to me...

"They say we can board now."

So I gingerly step into the boat and walked to the seat near the boat's steering wheel. 

There, I wait for the boat to fill with the rest of the passengers.

The water level seems near to me. I can feel droplets when a wave hits the side of the boat. 

So I moved to another seat on the right-hand side of the boat away from the window. 😃



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