19K Subs Challenge Day 4: worst time for streaming
I continued to live stream for a third consecutive day... And this day is Friday... Which seems to be the worst day for streaming... Because the views are so low.
Take a look... https://www.facebook.com/VideoLane/videos/332398218001140/
So that might not affect my result much...
Youtube 19000 Subscribers up 50 Challenge… https://YouTube.com/videolane
- Last Night. 18321. Up 14.
- This morning. 18341. Up 20.
- Night. 18351. Up 10.
- Subs going up. Double down more.
Gumroad 1000 views 1 order Challenge… https://gumroad.com/adrianlee
- Last Night. 158.
- This morning. 153.
- Night. 154.
- Give free stuff.
Amzn 300 clicks 10 orders Challenge
- Last Night. 133 clicks. 6 orders.
- Six orders. All from YouTube VL.
- Night. 131 clicks. 7 orders.
- Write write write.
What can I do better?
Adrian Lee
Living a Youtuber's Life... Making video, making friends, and making money! ...https://facebook.com/VideoLane