19k Subs Challenge Day 6: Get 1 Million Subscribers
How long does it take to get 1 million YouTube subscribers?
- The average number of years to reach 1M subs: 3.6 years.
- The average number of videos to reach 1M subs: 241 videos.
- The fewest videos created before reaching 1M: 47 videos — Niomi Smart. How did she do it?
How to get more subscribers and views?
- Make friends and collaborate with other YouTube.
- Focus on creating content you enjoy.
- Interact with the people who love your stuff.
Let's do that...
Youtube 19000 Subscribers Challenge…
- Last Night. 18387. Up 36.
- This morning. 18405. Up 18.
- What next? Double down more. Interact more. Reshare more. Share every interesting comment.
Gumroad 1000 views Challenge…
- Last Night. 150.
- This morning. 148.
- What next? Do more lead magnets. Highlight link in popular posts.
Amzn 300 clicks Challenge
- Last Night. 125 clicks 7 orders.
- This morning. 2 orders.
- Write write write... Boost
What else can I do better?
Adrian Lee
PS: Other ongoing projects...
Living a Youtuber's Life... Making video, making friends, and making money! ...https://facebook.com/VideoLane